
Build on your at home practice with this props enhanced yoga + pilates session.


Learn how different pieces of equipment can challenge the body from all angels. Explore moving in multiple planes while integrating flexibility and strength training.

wednesdays / 530 pm pst

✓ What You'll Need: Dowel, Theraband, Foam Roller

This class is not appropriate for: 2nd trimester of pregnancy or beyond, hip replacement, or anyone with herniated discs.


New Student?

4 hours of live practice & class recordings

Valid 30 days | please note this package is a one-time introductory offer

“For the first time ever I was able to get to the place within, with other people around me. At home I have no problem reaching the place within, but have never been able to achieve this at a studio. It was powerful, magical, shifting, mind blowing all at the same time. I was flowing from the true self within. Thank you Renee for that powerful experience, I can feel you are coming from such a truthful compassionate place and that energy really bleeds into the safe space you created today.” 


"Renee’s classes are transformational in a way I have never experienced in my 15 years of yoga practice. In her Yin class, I can actually feel my emotions, energetics, and cells shedding layers to come into truer forms. If I come to her class in pieces, I leave remembering my wholeness, owning my dignity, and knowing my divinity. It is really that deep. Renee is a powerful guide in this intimately personal experience. She leads a yoga practice beyond its physical forms and shapes; she is one of the first teachers I’ve ever met who understands and communicates yoga as engagement with mind body and soul. Attending her class is gift to my whole being and is now a part of my weekly spiritual practice."


“The pace. Her voice. The clear anatomical explanations. I feel the perfect balance of effort and healing in my body.”